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湖北虹玮健康产业股份有限公司— —成重任

央媒头条 时间:2023年06月21日点击:7891本站作者:佚名

Hubei Hongwei Health Industry Co., LTD.

—— became an important task

湖北虹玮健康产业股份有限公司— —成重任


  一、Company process:

      湖北虹玮健康产业股份有限公司成立于2013年,注册资金1000万元。咸宁市重点龙头企业。 2021年10月武汉交易中心挂牌新四板,股权名称:“虹玮健康”、代码103610;主营业务为苗木栽培、园林程;农产品仓储、配送;中药材种植、加工销售;功能性食品、护肤品、私密用品的研发、加工销售;中医康养服务及医学研发五大板块。具有国家一级园林绿化资质,并建有省级中医药专家传承工作室、咸宁市功能性食品研发中心等机构。

     Founded in 2013, with a registered capital of 10 million yuan. Xianning city key leading enterprises. In October 2021, Wuhan Exchange Center was listed on the new fourth board, with the equity name: "Hongwei Health" and code 103610; Its main business is seedling cultivation and garden engineering; storage and distribution of agricultural products; planting and processing of Chinese medicinal materials; research and development of functional food, skin care products, private products, processing and sales; TCM health and care services and medical research and development. It has the national first-class landscaping qualification, and has built a provincial traditional Chinese medicine expert inheritance studio, Xianning functional food research and development center and other institutions.

湖北虹玮健康产业股份有限公司— —成重任


二、glories of company:

目前拥有虹玮、禧施、寿密方、幽种香、夏至绅力等二十多个商标和三项发明专利。“虹玮”商标被国家农品会评为了“2016中国百强农产品好品牌”,多所大学产学研合作基地。并相继获得全国第二届特色中药材种植基地、全国十佳优质苗圃、首届中西部地理标志乡村振兴力突出贡献奖、中国农业产业质量信用3A级企业等殊荣;“寿密方”系列被评为“绿色健康产品”和“2021大健康产业优秀民族品牌”。其中“常玖通养益润肠膏”和“费克零增氧顺气膏”两项专利成果填补了我国慢性病防治领域的空白,为中老年长久性便秘和顽固性咳喘人群带来了福音。“费克零增氧顺气膏”对促进新肺泡的生成有独到的作用,该产品在新冠疫情期间得到武汉病毒研究所领导高度关注。并被中国科学家论坛组委会评为2020-2021年度"中国科技创新发明成果 ";“常玖通养益润肠膏”能快速恢复肠道益生菌群平衡,2019年获得第十六届中国武汉农业博览会金奖农产品 。2023年平衡自愈疗法评为了非物质文化遗产代表性项目。

At present, it has more than 20 trademarks and three invention patents, such as Hongwei, Xishi, Shoumifang, Youzhi Xiang and Summer Li. The trademark "Hongwei" has been rated as "2016 China's top 100 Agricultural Products Good Brand" by the National Agricultural Products Association, and a number of university industry-university-research cooperation bases. It has also won the second national characteristic Chinese medicine planting base, the national top ten quality nursery, the first award of central and western geographical indications, and other on; "Shoumifang" series was rated as "green health products" and "2021 Excellent National Brand of health industry". Among them, the two patent achievements of "Changjiu Tong nourishing intestinal ointment" and "Feke Zero oxygen filling ointment" have filled the blank in the field of chronic disease prevention and treatment in China, bringing good news for the middle-aged and elderly people with persistent constipation and intractable cough and asthma."Fick Zero oxygen filling ointment" has a unique role in promoting the generation of new alveoli, and the product was highly concerned by the leaders of Wuhan Virus Research Institute during the COVID-19 outbreak. It was awarded as "China Scientific and Technological Innovation Achievements" in 2020-2021; "Changjiu Tong intestinal cream" can quickly restore the balance of intestinal probiotics and won the 16th China Wuhan Agricultural Expo in 2019. In 2023, balanced self-healing therapy was rated as a representative item of intangible cultural heritage.

湖北虹玮健康产业股份有限公司— —成重任

湖北虹玮健康产业股份有限公司— —成重任

湖北虹玮健康产业股份有限公司— —成重任

湖北虹玮健康产业股份有限公司— —成重任

  三、Introduction of founder;

湖北虹玮健康产业股份有限公司— —成重任

成重任,现代国医名师;男,1972年8月生,祖上三代中医,阴阳五行派非遗传承人,和新时代非遗文化传播大使;药食同源功能性食品平衡自愈疗法创始人 ;现任中国管理科学院中医药高级研究员、终身客座教授;中组部、农业农村部农业实用人才带头人 ;湖北省2021年基层专业技术人才奉献岗位人选;中宣部2023年中国楷模贡献人物。系多届国家名老中医、湖北中医药大学陈科力教授的嫡传弟子。并担任国家卫生健康委"十四五"规划全国重点课题:“功能性食品平衡自愈疗法” 课题负责人。擅长调理各种疑难杂症,不育不孕,阳痿早泄,高血压。特别是慢阻肺,中风,顽固性失眠,长久性便秘,哮喘和各种老年病症等。

Male, born in August 1972, three generations of traditional Chinese medicine, culture communication ambassador; the current director of medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, lifelong visiting professor of traditional Chinese medicine; the department of agriculture and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs; the candidate of Hubei Province in 2021; a member of the national old traditional Chinese medicine and a disciple of Professor Chen Keli of Hubei University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He also served as the leader of the national key project of the "14th Five-Year" plan of the National Health Commission: "balanced self-healing therapy of functional food". Good at regulating all kinds of difficult diseases, infertility, impotence and premature ejaculation, especially COPD, stroke, intractable insomnia, persistent constipation, asthma and various kinds of elderly diseases.

湖北虹玮健康产业股份有限公司— —成重任

湖北虹玮健康产业股份有限公司— —成重任

湖北虹玮健康产业股份有限公司— —成重任


四、social value:


The company adopts the cooperation mode of "company + village collective + base + farmers". Drive more than 300 farmers in surrounding towns to plant rare seedlings and Chinese medicinal materials. At present, there are many Chinese medicinal materials such as Huangjing, Polygonum multiflorum, bai, Coptis chinensis, Stone calamus, ?, ? and so on. Tongshan Huangjing won the title of "Hubei Characteristic Good Food Ingredients" in the 16th China Wuhan Agricultural Expo. And combined with Xianning Vocational and Technical College, Hubei New Industry Technician College, Hubei Institute of Science and Technology and other institutions to jointly build college students training, entrepreneurship and employment base; combined with Hubei University of Traditional Chinese Medicine to jointly build a graduate training base, Hubei Traditional Chinese medicine resources experimental base, for the cultivation of traditional Chinese medicine talents, scientific planting of traditional Chinese medicine, and promote the good social effect.

湖北虹玮健康产业股份有限公司— —成重任

湖北虹玮健康产业股份有限公司— —成重任


 五、Current research and development results:


"Functional food balanced self-healing therapy" was selected into the national key research group of the 14th Five-Year Plan of the National Health Commission, and the project batch number: YYWS3888. Functional food research and development center combined with national second-level professor, doctoral supervisor Mr.Chen Keli and other experts. Adhere to the overall theory of traditional Chinese medicine, has been successfully developed with the twenty-four solar terms named series of products, such as spring god to yu granule, rain wet damp palace particles, insects gout tea, grain rain age Dan, summer light body shape waist granule, small full hypoglycemic drink, grain in awn soup, summer solstice gentry force pills, frost blood pressure tea, snow nephritis soup, the winter solstice sweet sleep granule, water curtain hole granule, easy numerous palace pregnancy particles...... And "Xi Shi" brand natural peach skin care products, customized for senior intellectuals, "You Zhongxiang" brand saprotic muscle vaginal ecological balance recovery and restoration of original elastic vitality private care products; "Mother" brand skin disease black medicine; no sugar replacement meal "yellow essence osmanthus cake"..., etc.

湖北虹玮健康产业股份有限公司— —成重任

湖北虹玮健康产业股份有限公司— —成重任

湖北虹玮健康产业股份有限公司— —成重任


六、corporate vision:

“敬畏自然,众生和谐”,是我们的信念。始终把平衡自愈作导向,用功能性食品为载体,坚定不移地践行药王孙思邈的“凡欲治疗, 先以食疗,既食不愈, 而后乃用药。”的治未病理念,让更多的同胞们真正实现健康到老!

"Fear of nature, the harmony of all living beings," is our faith. Always take the balance of self-healing as a guide, with functional food as the carrier, unswervingly practice the medicine king Sun Simiao " where to treat, first with diet, both food is not more, and then is medicine."The concept of treating the disease, so that more compatriots truly achieve health to the old!
